Challenges Faced in Healthcare Industry

Data Management and Integration

Lack of ability to integrate different types of data from a variety of sources as clinics and hospitals always digitize their work processes to keep work easier.

Inflexible Billing Processes

Confusing and inflexible billing process which causes frustration among patients and might lead to shortfall in revenue.

Poor Medicines Management

Medicine is not properly arranged and organised which lead to incorrect product availability, stock levels in warehouses and poor stock transfers record.

Healthcare is our priority

Solutions for Healthcare Issues

Effective Information Sharing
Enhanced the ability for clinics and hospitals to provide accurate information regarding patients, staffs, and other matters.
Automated Stock Replenishment
Track item reorder level and replenish items based on filters and product quantities. Automate purchasing order based on previous sales and order activities.
Automate Management Processes
It helps to lighten the workload and creates more time to focus on more important tasks associated to providing high-quality service to patients.
Simplifying Billing Module
By simplify the administration of billing and payments in medical facilities, billing procedure can be made quicker and error-free. More attention will be paying on patients rather than billing.
Stay on top of the line

Healthcare Resolution

Our IT services converge business and technology experts to help manage business processes of all categories.
Document Storage
Provide the ability to maintain various reports, notes and information for each patient in any format such as PDFs, text, video and images.
Planning and Scheduling
Assist healthcare centre in managing opportunities, practitioners schedule and patient appointment which able to enhance clinics and hospitals performance.
Healthcare Practitioners
Provide the ability to create multiple practitioners and also able to link each person to their employee documents.
Billing and Pricing Management
Offer simplified billing management and automation capabilities to process bill faster and accurately which help to save time.
Medicine Inventory Management
Assist healthcare in managing medicine and drug inventory as well as product distribution
Healthcare Procedure
Provide the ability to preconfigure healthcare procedure such as wound cleaning or body fluid test. Billing can be automated depending on the stock utilised during each surgery.
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