Challenges Faced in Education Industry

Poor Tracking and Storing Data

It gets difficult and challenging to track and store as the amount of data continues to grow and there are too many files to manage (current and former students, timetables, and more).

Difficulty in Parent-Teacher-Student Communication

Difficult to communicate, put forward suggestions, and receive important announcements between teacher, parent and child.

Difficult to monitor school operations

Failure to properly monitor school operations as teachers don’t have proper real-time data visibility regarding schedule, student data and other matters.

Education is our priority

Solutions for Education Issues

Effective information sharing
Enable institute to deliver precise and fast information to students, parents, instructors, and staff.
Efficiency in school operations
Make school operation easier to monitor, access and manage as it promotes accurate information gathering.
Accurate Record Stored
Data can be preserved easily and ensure its security as the data only can be accessible by authorized users.
Automates administrative processes
Minimises the effort and gives you more time to focus on more important tasks associated to delivering high-quality education.
Stay on top of the line

Education Resolution

Our IT services converge business and technology experts to help manage business processes of all categories.
Document Storage
Store the student, instructor and staff information securely as well as all the institute data.
Student Fees
Maintaining records of fees collected from students based on the selected program and academic term.
Student Attendance
Check and identify the number of student present in class and with the ability to take student attendance.
Program Enrollment
Able to create student's program enrollment which he/she has to choose courses for a particular academic semester or year.
School Operation Management
Assist institure in managing school operation and schedules which can improve student and parent satisfaction.
Planning and Scheduling
Assist institute in managing class schedule, institute plans and other future plans which able to enhance the institute performance.
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